Introduction to Cabal

As described at the Cabal homepage, Cabal is a system for building and packaging Haskell libraries and programs. It defines a common interface for package authors and distributors to easily build their applications in a portable way. Cabal is part of a larger infrastructure for distributing, organizing, and cataloging Haskell libraries and programs.” In this video …

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Refactoring and Finding the Right Data Structure

Recently, before implementing a new feature in pandoc-include-code, a Pandoc filter I have written, I needed to make some changes to the code. The program allowed what should’ve been considered conflicting modes of operation. In this episode I’ll perform the same modification, to show you how the right data structure can guide and improve your …

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Domain Modelling with Haskell: Accumulating with WriterT

This is the third episode in the short series on Domain Modelling with Haskell. Now our hypothetical customer requires reporting not only at the level of individual projects, but also on the project group level. Our previous solution using Traversable and Foldable won’t help us much, so we use explicit recursion and the WriterT monad …

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Domain Modelling with Haskell: Generalizing with Foldable and Traversable

This is the second episode in the short series on Domain Modelling with Haskell. In this episode, we will generalize our domain model from the last episode, providing more fine-grained reporting, with less code. Show Notes In the last episode we modelled a basic project management system using Haskell data structures. We had the ability …

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